Harold Glorie Stevens


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Marian Ada Cooper

Harold Glorie Stevens 705,706,707,708

  • Born: 10 Mar 1896, Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States of America
  • Marriage: Marian Ada Cooper on 15 Sep 1921 in Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, United States of America
  • Died: 3 Jul 1948, Lucas, Ohio, United States of America aged 52

bullet  General Notes:

Harold is the son of Hershel V Stevens and Anna S Keigenmeyer and was born 3/10/1896 in Toledo, Ohio.

According to his draft registration paperwork, he was tall and slim with gray eyes and brown hair. He was a Policeman for 26 years. Killed in an auto accident in the line of duty.

They had 3 children (Ruth, Robert and Eileen)
-via email from Pat Pitchford

Officier Down Memorial Page Patrolman Stevens was killed in an automobile accident while on duty

He had served with the agency for 26 years and was survived by his wife and child.

Toledo Blade - Monday, July 5, 1948
Traffic Collision Kills 2; Patrolman One Of Victims
Police Ambulance, On Emergency Run to Hospital, And Auto Crash; 3 Injured
A veteran city patrolman was one of two persons killed at 6:10 p.m. Saturday when a police ambulance, rushing a cutting victim to Mercy Hospital, was involved in a collision with an automobile at Monroe and Seventeenth Sts. Three others were injured in the crash.
The dead:
Patrolman Harold Stevens, 52, of 772 1/2 Main St., driver of the police ambulance.
Phillip M. Doss, 29, of 1520 Collingwood Blvd., a passenger in the automobile.

Pinned Beneath Cars

Both men were thrown to the pavement and pinned beneath the overturned vehicles.

Injured were Patrolman Louis L. Cichy, 52, of 1319 Pinewood Ave., Mr Doss' wife, Ruby 25, and Curtis E. Caudill, 19, also of 1520 Collingwood Blvd. driver of the automobile.

Patrolman Cichy was riding in the rear of the ambulance with Thomas Odom, 36, of 9 Erie St. They were headed west en route to Mercy Hospital from the 700 block of Monroe St., where Mr Odom had been found sitting on the curb, his throat slashed with a knife.

Patrolmen Ronald Ludwikowski and Ronald Chisholm said witnesses told them the traffic signal was changing when the ambulance, its siren sounding, and the automobile headed north, crossed the Monroe-Seventeenth intersection.

Both Cars Upset

The ambulance upset on its left side and the automobile, on its right side, the ambulance sliding along the pavement until it hit the parked car of Cldye E. Sherwood, Holland, Ohio.

Patrolman Stevens and Mr. Doss were killed instantly. Dr. Irvin W. McConnell, deputy coroner, said the patrolman died of skull and neck fractures, and Mr. Doss of a fractured skull and internal injuries.

Patrolman Cichy and Mr. Caudill were released after treatment in Mercy Hospital, but Mrs. Doss, who received head in juries, remained in the hospital.

Mr Caudill was arrested on a charge of failing to yeild the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle and was booked also as a material witness. He is held in the Safety Bldg. under $5,000 bond.

Life Endangered

Hospital attendants said Mr. Odom's life was endangered because of the additional blood he lost before he reached the hospital. He was reported in fair condition last night.

Held for investigation is William Massey, 20, also of 9 Erie St., where the cutting occurred. Police said he admitted slashing Mr. Odom.

Patrolman Stevens had been a member of the police division since March 16, 1922. He was a past commander of the Toledo Police Post, American Legion; and officer of the Fraternal Order of Police, and a charter member of both organizations.

Member of GOP Clubs

He also was a member of the Lucas County Republican Club, the Nineteenth Ward Republican Club and Second Congregational Church.

Surviving are his wife, Marian, an employee in the Juvenile Court Clerk's office; son, Robert, and daughters, Eileen Stevens, a student nurse in Riverside Hospital, and Ruth Stevens.

The Toledo Police Post will conduct services at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the Worth Clegg residence, Euclid and Greenwood Aves., with burial in Willow Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Detective Lieut. Howell Tice, Sergt. Harold Elliott; Patrolman Kenneth Jameson, Sergt. Vincent Kwapich, Patrolmen George Geisert and Joseph Steele.

Resident Two Years

Mr. Doss, a native of Portsmouth, Ohio, had lived in Toledo two years and was an employee of the Air-Way Electric Applicance Corp. He was a World War II veteran.

Also surviving are a brother, Lawrence Johnson; sisters, Mildred Adkin and Helen Adkin, all of Toledo, and stepfather, Estel R. Mingus, Firestone, Colorado.

Services will be at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Day-Edwards Mortuary, with burial in Toledo Memorial Park Cemetery.

CHAN: _WT_USER phild


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

� Census, 1930, Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States of America.

� Census, 1940, 1917 Greenwood Av, Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States of America.

� ADDR, 1935.


Harold married Marian Ada Cooper, daughter of Thomas Alfred Cooper and Sarah Naomi Maharg, on 15 Sep 1921 in Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, United States of America. (Marian Ada Cooper was born on 19 Feb 1904 in Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States of America, died on 1 Aug 1958 in Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States of America and was buried in Oregon, Lucas, Ohio, United States of America.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

MARR: _UID 0CA010F4-B3F2-425E-9426-600A084F73F4

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