Alice Elizabeth Montgomery Little 2049
- Born: Between 1881 and 1883, Shelburne, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
- Marriage: William Henry Johnston on 15 Jun 1904 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Died: Canada
General Notes:
Shelburne Economist Date: 23 Jun 1904, Page: 1, Column: 1, Type: Wedding Notice Shelburne Economist - June 23, 1904 - Front Page - MORE WEDDINGS: JOHNSTON-LITTLE. The Toronto Globe of Saturday contained the following in reference to the marriage of Miss Alice E. Little, formerly of Shelburne: "The marriage of Miss Alice E. Little and Mr. W. H. Johnston was very quietly celebrated at the residence of Mrs. Johnston, in Nassau street, the rev. Mr. Turnbull conducting the ceremony. The bride was given away by Mr. E. Fielding. She wore a pretty champagne voile de soie with yoke of lace and chiffon, and carried a large cluster of white carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Lucy Twible, was in blue voile de soie, with a bouquet of pink carnations. Little Miss Fielding, niece of the groom, was the flower girl, in a pretty white frock with touch of blue, with laces which had been on her mother's wedding dress. The best man was Mr. Hugh Johnston and Master E. Fielding was the page." The bride was the recipient of many costly gifts. The young couple will reside at 94 Nassau street.
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Alice married William Henry Johnston on 15 Jun 1904 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Marriage Notes:
Wedding Notice the following in reference to the marriage of Miss Alice E. Little, formerly of Shelburne: "The marriage of Miss Alice E. Little and Mr. W. H. Johnston was very quietly celebrated at the residence of Mrs. Johnston, in Nassau street, the rev. Mr. Turnbull conducting the ceremony. The bride was given away by Mr. E. Fielding. She wore a pretty champagne voile de soie with yoke of lace and chiffon, and carried a large cluster of white carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Lucy Twible, was in blue voile de soie, with a bouquet of pink carnations. Little Miss Fielding, niece of the groom, was the flower girl, in a pretty white frock with touch of blue, with laces which had been on her mother's wedding dress. The best man was Mr. Hugh Johnston and Master E. Fielding was the page." The bride was the recipient of many costly gifts. The young couple will reside at 94 Nassau street.
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