Thomas Stanley Little
Mabel Louise Rayfield
James Elwood Hill
Mary Jean Little

Mavis Donelda Hill


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Bruce Wilson

Mavis Donelda Hill

  • Born: 21 Jan 1949
  • Marriage: Bruce Wilson on 20 Apr 1968 in Whitfield, Mulmur, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada

bullet  General Notes:

Prior to her marriage Miss Mavis Hill was guest of honor at a shower at the home of Mrs. William J. Clark at Whitfield, and another at the home of Mrs. Allan Laverty, Nobleton.

A surprise tea and shower was given to her by the girls of the Orangeville District High School staff where she is employed as a secretary.

On Saturday April 20, 1968, in Christ Church, Whitfield, marriage vows were exchanged between Mavis Donelda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hill, and Robert Nelson Bruce Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Horning's Mills. Officiating at the double ring ceremony was the rector, Rev. J.H. Hofland. Standard of Easter lilies decorating the church chancel.

The bridge's dress fell in a straight line from the lace yoke. The wide French lace sleeves were studded with pearls, and her train was of the same crepe material as her dress, For something old she wore a necklace which had been worn by her mother and maternal grandmother at their weddings. She carried a cascade bouquet of gardenias and stephanotis.

The maid of honor was Miss Bonnie Hill, sister of the bridge, with bridesmaids Misses Marilyn Hill and Betty Ann Wilson all similarly attired in demure yellow eyelet embroidered dresses, and daisy kerchief headdresses. They carried yellow daisy 'mums.'

The groom was attended by his brother, Bert Wilson, and the ushers were Raymond Rusk brother-in law of the bride, and Carl McMillan, friend of the groom. They wore tuxedos, with daisy boutonni�res. The groom's boutonniere was a sprig of stephanotis.

The bridal procession entered the church to the strains of Edelweiss and during the signing of the register the organist, Mrs. Lester Stinson, played Cole Porter's "Tree Love".

After viewing the gifts at the home of the bride's parents, the guests drove to Honeywood for the reception in the Norduff Room which was effectively decorated with spring flowers and "flowering" birch trees.

The bride's mother received, wearing a pink lace ensemble, and the groom's mother wore a yellow suit dress.

Dancing and music were enjoyed by the guests after the wedding breakfast. The newlyweds then said goodbye to each of the guests individually before leaving to fly to Nassau for a week's honeymoon.

On their return thy will reside on the groom's farm at Redickville.

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Mavis married Bruce Wilson on 20 Apr 1968 in Whitfield, Mulmur, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada. (Bruce Wilson was born on 30 Jan 1947.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

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