James William Service
- Born: 28 Mar 1931, Shelburne, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada
- Marriage: Hazel Eileen Murphy on 11 Sep 1954 in Dundalk, Ontario, Canada
- Died: 19 Mar 2003, Kelowna Hospital, Fort Saint Francis aged 71
- Buried: Fort Saint Francis
General Notes:
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Noted events in his life were:
• Alt. Burial: Fort Saint James.
James married Hazel Eileen Murphy on 11 Sep 1954 in Dundalk, Ontario, Canada. (Hazel Eileen Murphy was born on 26 Jun 1937 and died on 25 Jul 2012 in Fort Saint Francis.)
Marriage Notes:
Shelburne Free Press and Economist Date: 29 Sep 1954 Shelburne Free Press & Economist - Wednesday, September 29, 1954 - Front Page - SERVICE-MURPHY: At a quiet wedding ceremony in Dundalk at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 11, Hazel Eileen Murphy was united in marriage with James William Service. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Singhampton, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Service, of Redickville. Rev. E. E. Richards performed the ceremony. The attendants were the bride's cousin, Miss Barbara Westecott, and the groom's cousin, Mr. Melvin Allen.
The bride wore an afternoon dress of white nylon and a white veil with white gloves and shoes. She carried a bouquet of white and pink gladioli. Miss Westecott wore a white nylon afternoon dress with white gloves and a dark hat.
The reception was in the Anglican Church parlors at Singhampton, where the 21 guests were received by the bride's mother, who wore a blue taffeta dress with white accessories. She was assisted by the groom's mother who was attired in blue.
Leaving on a wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride wore a medium blue dress and matching hat with white accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Service will reside in Melancthon Township.
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